it comes at
the time when spicy held loving handled- thingwise beblooms oneself and lifts
(for the very first time) its head from below the sweeping surf of the void and
into the calm of chaos. a breadbasket, a wealth of promises and extremes and
incessant qualities of which i know so little. sounds like many things of which
i can only a brush of my hand give before forgetting myself and speaking too
loudly and shattering the image which had been painstakingly mined from the
earth. and then i start to feel like one of those canaries which were
notmentioned but surely accompanied bastien in his search for love in the heart
and center of the black earth. and then i know where this one and every one of
her kind must have sprung up from and it is no surprise that my unconscious
mind is practiacally overrun with them and their braided nappy hair and their
earthen ebony faces and their demure french accents and their fully-contained
internal riots. i pluck one from the collective unconsciousÑany one will do and
i wonder how my great great great great grandfather first came acros s the one
called patty and what he must immediately have thought of her and if it is
roughly what i think when this amazing one comes in the door and says she never
cared for fitzgerald. i have a hard time swallowing (and maybe its because my
mouth is full of glass) my pockets full of change and i hand them off to some
disabled vet standing at the corner right before the freeway. i think my dad
made some cynical comment about the authenticity of the mans destitution and i
commented that it sure is cold out there.