tomorrow he thought such a

waste of time between now and then

for i can barely contain the wantonness

that has become my eternity

(or my oblivion)


she remarked that she had never thought

of it  that way and he felt that she was

flattering him unnecessarily and

if she only knew of the steam

which he dreamed up then she would


have a more balanced view of himself

in relation to her self for she

was a bit limited by the words she

saw flashing on the cathode ray-tube

of her soul.


she was never allowed to watch television

as a child and somehow she had

missed the entire twentieth century

for our lives were lived through this

mosaic of red blue and green


and when i was a child i used

to hold my eyes right up to the screen

in search of something i couldnŐt explain

sort of like now i said and smiled

though she didnt get the joke.