ein flasche
mineralwa§er/jeanmariŽ/one red stripe beer/one shot of
jŠger/zigaretten/20mgAderol. four cups black tea.
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the distant sound of
thunder may in fact be rain-droppŽd horses charging towards
self-identification. (thus the human need in post-post-modern times for that
which is customizable. user-friendly. interactive. )
part the first.
being the air and
m had just put the
cd in and i told her i thought she*d like the first song.
i told them to pick
whichever mix they wanted and that one had been made by me and the other had
been made by She. they selected @random based on certain aesthetic delusions
which even descartes would have to agree are better just to accept than to try
to explain. j ended up with the one She had made and m got mine and we were
jamming out to it when her roommate came in with her persian friend and they
had been taking tabs and were all fucked up and doing stupid shit that rollers
we felt free sailng
into the slicy orandge and blu that was the evening in question. sailing to
where we havent decided bvut expect rather that the psilocybe will summon us
somewhere on the cosmic medium and weÕve got to be reall attentive to the
universe to deciver or cover what gfahgddnt been uncovered. though the pavement
is a dried up cloud and we breath e the breaths of airs so foreign unfamiliar
in both its airy luft and the pure smell of trees and uncultivation.
we showed up first
to the didgeridoo as was planned and it turned out there was a cover; we
stepped over across to the ptarmigeon to see if some kid i knew who had
promised me a drink was there. he was the one who had introduced me to nat
shermans and thereby changed the lives of each and every member of our group if
you can call it that. we got to one field and m and i jumped the fence and the
two js stayed behind. we didnÕt see any shit and probably there was someone
why there cant be
any good music anymore because of our decadance. she said. and going to prove
the impossible really exists so that i can shove a roof theron or otherwise
manipulate its finding. knowing the basis of the swampy exterior which forms
itself ruthlessly on every of that kind. submerged. daunted. dreadfully ungodlike
bound by some repetitive task which is the burden whicch they musst share.
violins dont seem to make it int
ritual of pass and
hit becomes so routine that five js take next to no time to ravash and you find
yourself with nowhere., so we got back
in the car and decided against it cause we had the aderols and so we headed to
the didgeridoo to see if e and m were there. i could feel the weight of all
things resting, quite comfoirt
i dont do drugs
all my friends
are on their holidays
though it be quite a
few years since 1995 these girls seem to be more than just friendds. and this
real spacy girl who is studying elementary education sos she can brainwash the
little kids to be communists comes up and throws ass up in my face and asks me
how ive been lately and laughs with a sort of sickening empty glazed over
marble-eyed stare. i introduce my girlfriend& she hops up and announces
iÕll see ya around and hops off to the nex
out on the patio
theres this little guy with the taste and mongolianism of little jumping bean.
health had become the painstaking pain of the jogaajettitofuho. she maketh her
body more thin this time with her face over the the inside of a toilet bowl
treated with teflon. ive seen the comm ercialsÑyou know with an aaryan looking
woman demonstrating her better living through cia/nasa technology. and here
some drunk ass sorority girl is puking her guts out and it just slides right
off. some white bitch with cleanly shaven arms and newly aired protestant work
ethics sprayed that shit down with a protective barrier of teflon. you alright
in there? someone asks. fo-shizzle she feebly manages to gurgle up. we haad come from the ptarmigan which
was probably the worst bar ive ever been in. reality tv fucking freaks me
outÑsaid the little soy bean ,manÑexcept that fantasy island shitÑthat shits
dope fool. dejected&dissappointed in myself and humanity i headed back
inside. wanting to ask how many people believe that what is real is real merely
because they are told it must neccesarily be
then some cowwboy
gets to the toilet just in time beffore he violently* retches himself empty and
thgen heaves a feww dryly just for ssafe measure. god knows how long he was in
there and someone got the idea to text him to make sure he hadnÕt fallen asleep
in there. She turned to me and nodded her head rhythmically and with calculated
stoic pose as though the little bleeps and rings of everyday life which we
generally learn to philtre out rang crystal clear to her and chimed a rhthm
which was and is her rhythm.
im reminded of the
vomitoriums of the roman empire. we all saww the fall and decline of the roman
empire as chillingly soothful towards our own fate if we are to identify
ourselves which this placeÑsomething i havenÕt yet come to terms with.
who is this?Ñthis
kicks ass. celia crœz. the one who wore fruit on her head and sang zoom zoom
zoom on sesame street. and from wyclef jean? the very same. you know she died
like a month or so aago. i said. you know who else died?ÑmÕs roommaate was stroking
her arm with a feather and sstaring into a electromagnetic field of the vviolet
(and ultraviolet) spectrum. sshe had asked, presumably not to illicit a
response and then announced the deaths of both john ritter and jonny cash.
strange and sad
it seems strange
that they would die on the same day, She said.
i saw him on an
interview. said m. he had lost his wife recently and was just sort of waiting
to die. looks like its twoÕs company now. said the persian guy. not john
ritter, m explained. jonny cash is cashed. itÕs sad you know. have yaÕll heard
his last singleÑbefore he died. you should download it. itÕs a cover of the NIN
song hurt. you know? theres a tori amos one as well. i said. i probably said
the same thing a million times but was never really sure if aany of it had
really happened or if i were only some part of a grand delusion which extends
beyond aesth
on the balcony was
this guy i had met a few times before. he wwore a tam-o-shanter with chucks and
smoked a pipe on his way to class. he remembered my nameÑi had forgotten his.
it was his room we had been sitting in all evening and i had been admiring hiss
books without even knowing to whom they belonged. there was this other girl i
had known like two years ago and she was now in grad school. she immediately
thrust a postit note in my hand and a marker so i could write down my email
address. it seems at time s that humans can never be content to just see one
after not having done so in a long time. i did not ask her to send me a hundred
meaningless spams a day to which i never respond
so the roommat e
stumbles in al diggy-diggy- di
rolled up on X and
making a complete fool of herself in some bling bling sunglasses that she
probably found at mariah careyÕs garage sale. she turned it off right in the
middle of celia crœzÕs last gasps of survival recorded on a magnetic or in this
case laser engraved mdium and put in her own mix cd which began with a very
overplayed sarah mclachlan song.